In Others’ Word: Circumstance

Beth VogtFaith, In Others' Words, Life, quote about life 11 Comments

God can quote by C Herron 11.1.13


I love the rhythm of the words in today’s quote.

God can change …

He can orchestrate …

He can alter …

He can and does … 

The words becomes are anthem of hope. Not that I’m surprised — they are penned by my writing-friend, Cynthia Herron. From the first time I met her, I recognized the heart of a valiant encourager in this woman. Someone who challenges others to believe not by sugarcoating reality — oh no. Cynthia speaks truth, but she chooses to face the light, not dwell in the darkness.

And while the quote was framed within a blog post for writers, her words ring true for all of us, no matter what dreams we are pursuing.

In Your Words: God can and does. How has God changed a detour in your life into a divine appointment? Or orchestrated happenstance into the here and now? 

The Miraculous Orchestration of God Click to Tweet

“God can change circumstance in a heartbeat.” Click to Tweet

God can … and does Click to Tweet 

Comments 11

  1. When my academic career was wrecked, I was both desperate and angry. A couple of decades’ worth of effort went down the drain – and it was something I was good at, and enjoyed.

    But now I’ve backed into a kind of written ministry, where people whom I respect are actually waiting for what I have to say.

    It wasn’t completely new – I was the go-to guy for spiritual counseling at the universities where I worked, for people of all faiths. (See. it DOES pay to read the Qu’ran!)

    This was, perhaps, a large part of the reason why I’m now on the ‘outside’.

    I think God did some pruning, to let the ‘ministry’ branch grow without impediment. It hasn’t been easy, but from His viewpoint, I must accept that it was necessary.

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  2. God GIVES heartbeats, and those second-splitting miracles when I’m still wondering HOW He helped me avoid the collision. A friend was telling me about a man whose heart stopped for long minutes in hospital, was declared clinically dead, but his praying wife refused to let him go and lovingly commanded his return. When he did, he told of seeing beautiful colors, hearing wonderful music, and being drawn closer and closer to a city of light where a strong clear sound occasionally reverberated at a steady rhythm. I believe that is God’s heartbeat and that He unifies this universe and our lives by His love.

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  3. In order to flesh out books 2 and 3, I needed to get to New Mexico to do a research trip.
    I know a couple who’ll take me on a tour. BUT…I need 2 weeks off my life to do that trip.
    AND I need 4 weeks to re-finish an antique for an auction on November 30th.

    The antique is a dud. We have a replacement piece. That leave me with 2 weeks of “free” time. Points and friends will get me to New Mexico.

    Well, God… points and friends will get me there. I’m excited to see what He’s got up His sleeve when I get where I’m going!

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