In Others’ Words: No Limits

Beth VogtFaith, In Others' Words 11 Comments

no limitation 2015

I like hanging around people who make me think.

And that’s one of the reasons I like my friend Rachel Hauck. She makes me think. Big thoughts. Braver thoughts. Bolder thoughts. 

She makes me open my eyes wider and look for God, and all the while it’s like she’s whispering in my ear, “He’s right there, Beth. Can’t you see Him? Look!”

Rachel’s heart is passionate for God — she has an ardent, intense faith that drives everything she does and says. And when she says there are no limits with God, she means it.

Do I live like that? Do I look at God — who He says He is — and say, “There are no limits with You, Lord . . .  well, except for that one thing I’m asking of you. That one area of my life I need to change. That one prayer I’ve been praying. That one unforgivable person. That one unbreakable sin. But other than that — absolutely no limits!

Here’s the truth — and Rachel got it right: God is either limited … or He’s not.

And He’s not.

How does that change things?

In Your Words: Which economy are you doing business in: the world’s economy, which limits God — and often denies Him completely? Or God’s economy where there is no such thing as limitation? Why do you need God to be limitless today?

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Comments 11

  1. I love this post, Beth. It’s so easy to confine God to what I think He can do. He’s so much bigger than I allow Him to be in my life!

    Why do I need God to be limitless today? Because I have a huge need for Him in my daily living. In the things coming up in my life. In the dreams and hopes I’m holding onto, I need to let Him be God in them, and do what He wants to do in them. I need Him to be limitless, because then I will be able to rest in His working in my day, in my week. I won’t have to worry. And I’m rambling, so I’ll stop now. 🙂

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  2. Rachel has such great wisdom to share. Thanks for reminding me of this, Beth! It may seem small, but my to do list is not. I am praying that God helps me to finish my taxes (gasp! They are due on Wednesday, why have you waited so long, right?). I have never filed this late and thus a bit of panic sets in. Then there is writing, family responsibilities, and the list keeps going. Today I need a limitless God. I am grateful for the reminder.

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  3. Living by faith and not by sight is so hard, but I think it’s exactly what trusting God is all about. This article reminded me of that song I’ve heard many times on the radio that goes, “I’m gonna walk by faith, not by sight.” What a wonderful way to live! I’m working to place my faith and trust in God more and more every single day. He is faithful to work things out for His children’s good if we’ll only follow Him.


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  4. Tough one for me, as bad physical things are seemingly limitless at present.

    But as long as mental hardness is unlimited, through the provenance of the Almighty, I will win these evil days.

    Writing this from Barbara’s phone, I can only borrow it for short periods, and cannot get to email. Hope to have internet next month. Please keep me in prayer, I sure need them!

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