In Others’ Words: The Power of Approval

Beth VogtFaith, In Others' Words 6 Comments

The Power of God's ApprovalI can set my mind to imagining quite a lot of different things.

I can imagine what someone might be thinking about me … Or what someone might be saying about me behind my back.

These kinds of imaginings are never positive. I almost always assume the worst.

And sometimes, well, my imagnings have been confirmed. Someone doesn’t like me. Doesn’t respect me. Doesn’t approve of me.

And that reality stings in a way that deflates me … suddenly I am unsure of myself. What if that person is right in their estimation of me?

But what if I imagine something else altogether? What if I forget about all those “someones” who might be thinking about me or saying something about me … and I remember what God says about me?

Oh, the power of God’s approval. Imagine that!

I don’t have to earn God’s approval.

God made me — and He loves me because I am His.

His love is unconditional — no approval-based list of right and wrong fueling His desire to have a relationship with me.

God’s approval is so powerful it transforms all my tomorrows into eternity with Him. And His approval stands against anyone else’s disapproval of me — if only I will stop giving others’ opinions of me more credibility than they deserve.

In Your Words: How does your life change when you stop to imagine the power of God’s approval? What helps you remember that God approves of you?

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Autumn Brides - Beth Vogt, Kathryn Springer, Katie Ganshert


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Comments 6

  1. Great picture as usual and “deflate” is such a visual word. For its opposite we don’t really want “inflate” but I love that the word “enthusiasm” means to be filled with “theos,” God. Selah. So be it. LOTS of enthusiasm from Him, in us, through us, outward.

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  2. Such wise words here, Beth. When we realize that God’s approval is enough? That gives such peace and confidence to move forward into all He has for us. When He opened my eyes to the reality that He—and His approval—is enough for me, it helped me to stop striving so hard for acceptance by others. Truly life-changing for this approval-seeking-prone girl.

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  3. It’s too bad we can’t live in the knowledge that God’s approval is all we need. Instead, we worry about what others think of us or whether they approve of us. Once upon a time, I was a rebel and if someone didn’t approve of me and what I did, I did it again. I’m better now…I usually let it go over my head and pretend they like me. 🙂

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