In Others’ Words: If You’re Happy and You Know It …

Beth VogtFun, In Others' Words, Life 9 Comments

Be happy

There is a time and a place to be dignified. But there are so many more times and places to be happy.  

Early in my novel writing journey, I met a wonderful group of women at a My Book Therapy writing retreat. We became friends, dubbing ourselves the MBT Ponderers — after author Susan May Warren warned us not to use the word “ponder.” Not that we were boundary-pushers. No. Not us.

Since that time 5 years ago, we have celebrated one another’s success with HaPpY dAnCes — both literal jump around the room and shout for joy dances, as well as virtual online dances using Snoopy emoticons or the words “HaPpY dAnCe!”. It’s all about being happy for one another and with one another. 

The llama photo above? A trio of llamas — Pacha, Kuzko and Banzai — showed up in my debut novel, Wish You Were Here, and I featured that photograph at my book launch. Now when a writing buddy has something to celebrate, oftentimes the llama makes an appearance online for a virtual HaPpy dAnCe with me.

Lots of happy … very little dignity. And I’m good with that.

In Others’ Words: What makes you so happy that it makes you want to get up and dance? Laugh? Celebrate? How do you celebrate a friend’s or family member’s success?

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Comments 9

  1. Oh, I wish!

    It’s been so long since I’ve felt really good about anything…or had a feeling of expectation and possibility…I think I have forgotten how to celebrate. The best I can muster is a feeling of rather tired satisfaction, when things go okay.

    It’s not a matter of dignity. For any human being, dignity’s an illusion at best, self-deception at worst.

    The best way I know to celebrate the success of someone close to me is to listen, and to say, “I’m so happy for you. Well done.”

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      Saying “I’m so happy for you. Well done.” is a form of celebration. Some people wait their entire lives to hear those words — and, sadly, never do.

  2. YAYAYAYAY!! That’s the way I cyber yell that I’m happy for someone. And I’ve had lots of reasons to send that yell out. And now, I must get back to writing with that song in my head. If you’re happy and you know it… sigh. 🙂

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  3. Our sermon yesterday at church was about King David and how he was a man after God’s own heart. He was dancing in the street wearing nothing but an ephod (which the preacher explained was underware, kind of like an adult diaper). He was celebrating God! His wife however was observing from an upstairs window and chastising him. He put her in her place however, LOL.
    Our family loves celebrations! We do most of ours by going out to eat. Doesn’t matter how small or large of an event, we eat!!
    Maybe we SHOULD do some dancing too, to counteract some of the pounds we put on my our eating celebrations!
    Whoa is me when my son gets married July 11th, they are having a dessert reception, and YES we will definitely celebrate!!!

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  4. I think everyday is a day to celebrate! The Lord is gracious and merciful and ever present!!! I like exclamation points. 😉 Seriously, cyber celebrations get a WOOHOO!!! or and AWESOME!!!! In real life, I give big hugs. 🙂

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      I am a hugger too — unless I sense that someone is not a hugger. I try to be sensitive to that.
      And I do love FB for providing such a wonderful platform for cyber-celebrations!

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