In Others’ Words: Dreams

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, Quotes 20 Comments

I know what you’re thinking: This is not the first time I’ve posted about dreams.

You’re right.

And it won’t be the last.

Dreams add an almost magical depth and breadth to life. And when your dream is prayed over and blessed by God, it is eternally expanded. Add the necessary perseverance and you may one day embrace a dream come true.

But, no matter how wonderful dreams may be, we can lose sight of them — or even worse, hand them over to someone else.

To the naysayers — the ones who doubt your dream in the first place.

To the interrupters — The people who say, “Would you be willing to do (fill in the blank) because you’re so good at it/no one else will/it’s so important?”

To the celebrities — Say what? You don’t have any celebrities in your life? Oh yes, you do! What about all the voices coming at you through your flat screen TV? The actors and actresses who are pursuing — achieving — their dreams? You’re sitting on the couch, ignoring your dream, watching them live theirs!

In Your Words: You’ve got a dream … I know you do. We all do. Who is stealing yours? And what are you doing about it?


Congratulations to Susan Gibson Snodgrass, who won the first Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of Catch a Falling Star! Three more copies to give away during the next three weeks. 

If you’d like to help share the news about the giveaway, here’s a possible post: Author Beth K. Vogt is giving away advanced copies of her book Catch a Falling Star, which releases in May. Stop by Beth’s author FB page for your chance to win!

Comments 20

  1. Our spiritual enemy knows dreams are God-given to take us further, so he takes letters inside the word dream to try to ream us off track–but these tracks are straight and true and will lead us up and over the next hill. Progress. Sometimes the naysayers and even obstacles are just what’s needed for resistance training to make us even stronger. Sometimes I don’t want to say that too loudly, but it’s true. Thanks, Beth.

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  2. At times, I’m my worst dream thief. I allow other non-essential things steal my time–time I could be devoting to my dream. My solution–be a better time steward. I can limit the amount I spend on those time wasters and schedule the appropriate time I need to make my dreams a success.

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      Agreed, Lisa.
      And I appreciate how author Rachel Hauck has reminded us of this dream-stealer over at My Book Therapy ( during the past weeks.

  3. Oh, man!!! My problem comes from the interrupters. And it is even harder when the pastor of your church, who finds you are the perfect fit for the next project, is your son! How do you say no to those shining, _I-know-you-can-do-it-Mom puppy dog eyes? It is “easier” to justify postponing your dream when the interrupter brings up something worthy and by all appearances it would seem you are the best fit for the job. But it gets me off track. Not to mention that I might, albeit unwittingly, be stealing someone else’s blessing and a chance for them to grow. Thanks for bringing this up today, Beth. I needed to read it.

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  4. This made me really stop and think today, Beth, for one simple reason: my dreams turned out to be so small compared to what God had planned. In fact, they weren’t even on the same cosmic plane. But boy howdy, I wouldn’t trade the privilege He’s given me to write about and teach His Word for all the steaks in Texas. Or tea in China. You get the idea. 🙂

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  5. Wow, Beth. Such wise words. I’m definitely struggling to find time to just write right now. Add to the mix hubby just entered a black belt candidacy class to test for his black belt. He’s going to need more T-I-M-E to complete everything. I want to be his support and his biggest cheer leader as he undertakes this new regimen. Bye-bye extra writing time. I’m going to have to buckle down and figure out how to squeeze more time out of my days to pursue my dream of writing. Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment.

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  6. I think that’s why I stayed a “closet” writer for so long…for fear people would steal my dream through discouragement and snide comments. But then I had one of those moments. And I knew that no one can snatch a dream away that I feel God gave me. Love this quote!

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  7. No one is stealing mine, but I find myself feeding to to Envy. That super hungry kid in the car next to Mizz Naysayer. The Naysayers are neighbours of the Envys, they live on the same street.
    But each time I get close to feeding Envy, I call in my peeps and vent, then I either admonish myself or have them do it.

    My husband could wear himself out cheering for me. 🙂

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      Thank God for supportive spouses. Supportive friends. Supportive friends.
      And the Envys … we need to kick them out of the neighborhood.
      I’ve invited them in for tea a time or two.

  8. Honestly, the only one that’s really tried to steal mine is…me. I easily slip into comparing myself to others, getting impatient or trying to control things on my own. God is so awesome, though, about placing Voices of Truth in my life right when I need them. 🙂 Yay for dreams!

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