In Others’ Words: From Here to Eternity

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, Quotes, Reality 15 Comments

I often talk about my pursuit of the To Do list. I have to admit, crossing things off that thing gives me such a feeling of satisfaction. For that moment in time, I know I’ve accomplished something: met a deadline or finished laundry or made that all-important phone call.

But the days — the moments — I’ve stayed true to myself, well, there’s nothing like that feeling of emotional breathing space. When I am able to look in the mirror and recognize myself — even if no one else understands why I did what I did or said what I said — I’m satisfied. Content.

There were times I bartered my soul, exchanging the truth for lies while letting the world think someone else was the real me. The older I get, the more I realize “me” is all I’ve got. Forget the whole “You only live once” mantra. This is my start on eternity. I want to get it right: being the “me” that God created me to be.

In Others’ Words: Who or what helps you be most truly “you”? When do you feel that you are being yourself — instead of giving in to the demands of the world?

Comments 15

  1. I think what helps me be me are the people around me who really know me…knowing they’re there *usually* keeps me from trying to fake it…because I know they’ll see through it. And now that I’m typing this, I’m realizing, really, I should feel the same about God. He knows me better than anyone…and sees every little thing. So faking it is extra silly from that vantage point!

  2. “This is my start on eternity.” Love this. I’m a people-pleaser by nature, chasing after that ever elusive “acceptance.” God has been the One who reminds me that it is enough for me to be significant in His eyes. He keeps me centered on the truth, and helps me to live as the “me” He’s created me to be.

  3. My husband and children. My husband – that look in his eyes that says, “Really? I mean, really?” My children – “Oh, Mom. Get real.”

    Seriously, I agree with Melissa. It’s the people around me who know me well enough to see through to the real me and can tell when I’m faking it. My family, my friends.

    I love this quote. What a challenge in today’s world. Thanks for sharing, Beth.

  4. The more time I spend in God’s Word and in prayer, the more comfortable I am being myself. Interestingly enough, and this is a new one for me in the past couple of years, I feel more truly me when I’m writing a character. Since that character is not truly me but a character, I can let inhibition go and just let her (me) talk. Great quote — I’m pinning it. Thanks!

  5. Oh, Beth, I love this. I feel most myself when I sit quietly and just hang out with God. He helps me see myself in a nicer light than I normally do. It’s pretty special to be beloved.

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