In Others’ Words: Remain Calm

Beth Vogtchallenges, In Others' Words, lifequotes 12 Comments

Remain Calm 2015

If I had to take a “life test” right now, I would flunk. 

That whole “90% of life is remaining calm” quote? Yeah … I struggled with that even as I made the graphic for this post and started typing the opening lines …

I’ve spent the better part of the afternoon and evening battling tears soaked with waves of frustration and anger. Calmness eluded me. So, yeah. If I took that “How calm are you?” test, I’d get a 10%.

Thankfully, life isn’t pass-fail. Thankfully, I know I stand in the wide open spaces of God’s grace (Romans 5:1-5 The Message) … and He doesn’t kick me out when there’s no calmness in my spirit.

There’s an ongoing situation that I can’t fix. One that shouldn’t be happening. One that should have been resolved months ago. But it’s not. And someone is being hurt because of it. (Not me — but someone I care for deeply.) And I’m … at a loss. I’ve done everything I can think of … and nothing has changed. Nothing.

Does any of this sound familiar? Yes, I’m being vague about the details I’m facing — but maybe you’re facing an ongoing this-makes-no-sense situation that disturbs your calm.

If that’s the case, then know that this is my prayer for you today:


When life makes no sense, when circumstances destroy our peace, help us to turn to You. You are outside all of this — whatever “this” is. Be Jehovah-Shalom, the God of Peace, in our lives, and in the very situation that has unsettled our hearts and our minds. We trust You when others have proven untrustworthy. We believe that You are working when nothing seems to be changing. If nothing else, God, change us. Amen and Amen.

In Your Words: When you’re unsettled by a situation, person, or circumstance, how do you find center again? 


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Comments 12

  1. I”m so sorry, Beth. I can feel the pain even though you’re not telling the details and it makes me sad for you. On the upside, I appreciate the quote and your beautiful photography. Thanks for sharing it all.

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      Kim, to be honest, I’m sad for me too. 🙂 But I am choosing to trust God … even if it is a stumbling kind of trust. And I know you and I both share a love of quotes.

  2. Usually by remembering how He got me out of the last scrape I was in, often with a certain amount of humor involved. And that makes me smile and head up the next hill with Him helping me lots.

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      Dee: Yes, remembering who God has been in the past — His provision and care — that makes a difference in times like these. Well, it always makes a difference. And laughter always lightens the heart, doesn’t it?

  3. There is a passage from Yamamoto Tsusenori’s “Hagakure” (which forms the basis of Bushido), thus – “A Samurai should be always warm-hearted, and never hot-headed.”

    The opening lines of the work are, “A Samurai should live in such a way that he is always prepared to die.”

    I do not believe there is a dichotomy; living with the awareness that one is truly always in the Valley of the Shadow (perhaps particularly there by choice?) may be the master key that opens and softens the heart in a way that honours sentiment, yet disdains sentimentality.

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  4. Beth it may just take more time. We are an impatient people. My brother stayed mad at me for years and years over a silly incident that I later wished I could go back and redo. I was in the right but being right is not always important.
    He is now paralyzed from the waist down from a failed back surgery and it breaks my heart.

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      Gail: I agree that things take time. This situation has gone on for a year — and there is still no resolution. But it is what it is and I have to choose God is still in it, despite the missteps. I am so sorry for your brother.
      And yes, being right is not always important.

  5. The title of this email caught my attention when I was browsing through my messages. Thank you for sharing this with us today. It really spoke to me and felt as if you were talking directly to me about something I’m personally going through. I am praying for you in your situation. God bless.

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  6. Calm is what I needed today and it eluded me for 90% of it. That’s why I chose to tweet the other tweet. 🙂 But, it helped to read this, and now I will go to bed and prepare to do battle tomrrow!

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