In Others’ Words: The Beauty of a Broken Heart

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Love, perspective 8 Comments

Brokenhearted 2017

When I was younger, I thought there was only one way my heart could be broken. I blame my limited thinking on all the Harlequin romances I read as a teenager — and back then, Harlequins were quite innocent.

Years later, I know a person’s heart can be broken for many different reasons:

  • the end of a relationship — think of a romance or a treasured friendship or a family relationship
  • the loss of a dream
  • ongoing disappointment or discouragement
  • continual criticism or abuse


I’ve also learned that a broken heart beats on … and chooses to love again. To risk again. To “live on,” as the poet Lord Byron wrote. A loving heart has nothing to do with being perfect. No. The most loving heart is often the one that has been broken … and is pieced back together by forgiveness and hope and unselfishness.

In Your Words: There’s no avoiding a broken heart. But how do you choose to “live on” with that brokenness?

[ctt template=”8″ link=”LXq47″ via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: The Beauty of a Broken Heart #quotes #love[/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”Ghygr” via=”yes” ]\”The heart will break, but broken live on.\” #quotes #love[/ctt]



Comments 8

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  1. I love Andrew’s comment. <3

    It's true, a broken heart is a gift. I believe it's the means by which we learn to love and have compassion for others – to know how it feels to hurt.

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  2. Beautiful, Beth. A broken heart is one of the most difficult pains to overcome. And it only happens as we choose to live one day at a time, choosing to trust Jesus, to bring the hurts before Him every moment. The brokenness only becomes healed and mended with Jesus’ touch on our lives.

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  3. It takes a while to get over a broken heart but with the Lord’s help it eventually happens.
    Sadly some are not able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have a grieving mother in our church that lost her only son to suicide after his girlfriend broke up with him. My heart hurts for her.

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