In Others’ Words: Whatcha’ Gonna Be?

Beth VogtIdentity, In Others' Words, Quotes 10 Comments

Be silly.

Be honest.

Be kind.

Which one of those “Be’s” jumped out at you today? 

There are so many things we want to be — smart, pretty, successful, well-liked, athletic — that sometimes we get lost along the way to being. We have so many “be’s” to choose from, we lose track of the important ones. Or someone tells us who or what we’re supposed to be, and we listen to them — even when that “be” isn’t true to who we really are.

When was the last time you let yourself be silly? Sometimes I worry too much what other people might think if I let go and have fun. And then I watch my two GRANDgirls, who know how to be silly and who invite me into their silliness, and I am reminded that being silly is therapeutic. 

Are you living an honest life — being true to yourself and your values? This “be” is a tricky one because so many people tell us who we should be. What we should value. Sometimes we need to stop all the be-ing and remember who we are instead of being who others want us to be.

Be kind. Oh, how I find myself reminding myself of this “be” over and over again. I want to be kind to others. I want to be kind to myself. And then I want to repeat, repeat, repeat kindness because it seems so lacking in the world today.

In Your Words: If you could choose, which one of the “Be’s” would you act on today: Be silly or Be honest or Be kind? Or if you could write out your own three Be’s, what would they be? 

[ctt template=”8″ link=”A13sd” via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: Whatcha\’ Gonna Be? #quotes #identity [/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”0f0GI” via=”yes” ]\”Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.\” #quotes #RalphWaldoEmerson [/ctt]


Comments 10

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  1. Be kind is my first choice. If you’re kind, then many other “be” statements can fall into place. Be silly is necessary. Life is hard. Silliness allows us a break from the difficult stuff, and children understand the value of being silly. Be honest is one I’d tag on a caveat…be honest with love. People can be honest with their words, but those words may not be spoken with kindness or with love, and that honesty can tear down peoples’ spirits. For me, I want to:
    Be kind.
    Be real.
    Be me.

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  2. My brain answered your question a little differently choosing words starting w/ b’s: beautiful, busy, beneficial–not sure my logical mind would choose those, but they jumped to the forefront. I have a healthy respect for comic relief that lightens difficult times and makes them more manageable–reduces them to size. You always have great posts!

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