In Others’ Words: The Bravest Among Us

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, quote about life, Quotes 9 Comments

No one is brave alone. Downs. 2014


My friend, author Melissa Tagg, read the book Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs.

And then she raved about on Facebook and in a few IMs we shared back and forth and she even wrote a blog series about it.

And so I bought the book. I love and respect Melissa and when she raves about something, well, I pay attention. And when she goes on and on about a book (in a good way), I buy it.

And read it and underline it with my favorite purple pen ( a Pentel EnerGel with liquid gel ink).

Today’s quote is one of the first ones I underlined in Let’s All Be Brave:

“No one is brave alone … the bravest among us do not stand alone.”

Now before you argue with me, stop and think for a minute. Yes, I know there are times when a person stands up for something by himself (or herself) — and no one stands beside them.

Except maybe, maybe in their heart. Maybe a person is able to stand — to be brave — because they know they are loved by someone. Or by a lot of someones. Or by the Creator-Someone.

So in that very real sense, a person does not stand alone. They know they are loved and valued and believed in — and this knowledge helps them be brave. They might be alone in that moment — but the strength of healthy, supportive, trustworthy relationships in the past and the promise of such relationships in the future — this helps them to be brave.

In Your Words: Who helps you to be brave?

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Comments 9

  1. Wow, this is a deep one!

    It’s tempting to give a cozy answer that would embrace bravery is a warm-fuzzy-bunny-hug, but unfortunately, it wouldn’t be true for me.

    My courage – and I won;t deny it’s there – comes from something that I, with hesitation, call Christian Nihilism,

    It’s the realization that I;m expendable, and replaceable. Both to those around me, and to God, who might put my pawn aside in a gambit of his choosing, in a contest whose outlines I can only dimly grasp.

    He cares about me, but not in a “Let’s-make-his-dreams-come-true” way. It’s more of a”Let’s-equip-him-to-fulfill-his-duty”. Duty is all,and comfort is nothing.

    How I feel about it doesn’t matter, but what I do matters a great deal. Action is the midwife of honor.

    So I guess it’s this – that in a world whose secure and safe margins have faded, my lodestone is the desire for an honorable life and death. I think it’s what God expects.

    It’s not nearly as grim as it may sound, because in this harsh leavening is the opportunity to appreciate each moment, an opportunity made more delicious by its possible brevity. It’s like finding momentary shelter in a downpour…it just feels so GOOD to be warm and dry, with the deluge inches away!

    And if the deluge takes me, well,I’ll be in good company. Jesus and 92% of the apostles were swept out of the temporal life, and the one who was left might have envied them from his banishment on Patmos.

    1. Beth, I would like to apologize for the caustic tone of my comment. It wasn’t intended to be harsh or contemptuous of the spirit behind the quote.

      I ask your forgiveness. I offer no excuse; by way of explanation, the past few days have been a bit difficult. They say that adversity builds character, but that’s only true to a point.

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  2. That sounds like a good book, and great quote & graphic. I remember going to hosp. where my then 6-yr.-old youngest son was undergoing surgery. I hadn’t lived that long in Dallas, knew some church people but not well enough to feel I could ask for help. To my shock and awe, 1 friend came while Aaron was being prepped for surgery, another to wait out the time he was there. I will never forget the relief and shared load, one of the greatest gifts any human can give another. I’m still so grateful!

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  3. Great post,Beth. I have to say Jesus makes me brave and that totally reminded me of this amazing song. It’s called You Make Me Brave by (Bethel) Amanda Cook. You can listen to it on YouTube, such powerful song.

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