In Others’ Words: Kindness

Beth VogtLife, Quotes, Reality 33 Comments

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” Β ~Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881), British Prime Minister

One of the greatest blessings in my life?

The people in my life who believe in me.

Sometimes I am my own worst enemy, tripping myself up with doubt, slowing myself down with “should I’s?” and “shouldn’t I’s?”.

The people who come alongside me, put their arms around my shoulders and say, “You can do this,” — they make all the difference in quitting or continuing. And those people who take the time to say, “I see this ability in you” — wow! That breathes a whole new level of self-assurance into my sometimes fragile sense of self.

Needing others’ encouragement — does this mean I’m weak?

No, it means I’m human.

Do I base my self-worth on what others’ think or say about me?

No. (Well, not usually.)

But words of affirmation from family, friends, fellow writers and mentors: all of these breathe life and hope and refreshment to my soul.

In Your Words: Who in your life took the time to help you see your value?

Comments 33

  1. Oh I couldn’t agree more, Beth! Encouragement is so important. Being a confident person, there is a tendency for others to think I don’t need to hear those words of encouragement and affirmation but I do need them, very much! Wonderful post, Beth, as always πŸ™‚

    1. Susannah,
      It’s funny how others can assume that people don’t need to hear the affirmation … and yet, everyone does, even the most confident-looking people!

  2. I must admit it, Beth, I rushed in here this morning to hear how things went down yesterday. Please, please, share details with us -soon. Those of us who live at a distance would so much have loved being there with you in person!! You were much on my mind.

    As to confidence. Yes, it is wonderful to have the encouragement of friends and family. It seems almost impossible to know how much our confidence rests on the words and actions of others, and how much rests in who we know we are in Christ. God gives us people because He understands our fragility and needs. And, like you, I am so grateful to have that Band of Sisters. It’s a blessing like no other!

    Thank you for all you give and do to help others have a better chance of seeing their own dreams come true!!

    1. Patti:
      I will post more tomorrow — promise!
      I was in South Carolina with Susie and Rachel and the MBT Team and the internet was so, so unreliable. This post was set up before I left — and good thing too!
      And I appreciate your encouraging heart too!

  3. If not for the encouragement of others, I don’t know where I’d be! I’ve had countless people, like my parents, my husband, and several friends, who have believed in me and kept me going through encouraging words and actions. And I have a lot of writing buddies who I can vent to who give me affirmation that I’ve not gone completely over the edge! (Thank you, Beth, Keli, Mel, and Jess in particular!) It’s great to be part of such a wonderful community.

    1. Community, community, community — makes all the difference.
      And I do believe Melissa said something like “dibs” while we talked about you this week.

  4. Everyone along the way has encouraged me from family to friends and then writer friends. Without everyone’s prayers and encouragement, not sure I couldn’t made it this far.
    Wishing you the best as you launch this next phase of your writing career!

  5. Ah, this is such a struggle for me. My love language is words of affirmation. So encouragement from a friend or a loved one or a reader goes such a long way in feeding my soul. My problem comes, though, when I put my value and worth into this affirmation. I have a hard time finding the balance!

    1. Same here. Doh! But at least we realize this, and perhaps find balance in knowing the Lord cares and “affirms” far more than even the most encouraging human. He sees! When I find myself wanting that arm of affirmation around me, I may get it, or I may not. But it also may be a sign that it’s time to ask the Lord to send me along to encourage someone else. The sense of his pleasure at being his vessel tops all else (I’m learning… πŸ˜€ ).

  6. The entire MBT core team…just this past week…I love the encouragement and affirmation of this team. πŸ™‚ Miss ya, Beth…can’t wait to see you again in just a few weeks!

    And congratulations on your book. I’m going to be affirming it and you all over the place…hehehe… πŸ™‚

    1. Yes, the team is like another family — an amazing gift from God!
      Thanks for celebrating with me, Melissa!

  7. Love this, Beth. And I love you. Who in my life took the time to help me see my value? You have been awesome to be one of those who have spoken encouragement into my life. I am rich with encouragers, and I hope to be the person who takes the time to do the same for others.

    1. You are an encourager, Patricia. And your photographs speak life into me.
      Can’t wait to see you (and Robbi) at BRMCWC!

  8. I’m not a naturally self-confident person (I question nearly everything I do!) but I have been blessed with many encouragers throughout my life–inside and outside the family. What a wonderful blessing!

    1. I think it’s so important to recognize those people who have come alongside us and made such a difference, don’t you?

  9. Beautiful thoughts, here, Beth. So funny how we’re wired to need encouragement. Part of me feels like I shouldn’t need it, that I should be strong enough to work and function without it. But, I can’t.

    My husband is far and away my biggest cheerleader, especially when it comes to writing. I have some friends who been hugely encouraging as well, understanding when I choose writing over activities with them sometimes. God has made us interdependent. I need to remember and embrace that truth. πŸ™‚

  10. My parents were my first encouragers. I am blessed with 17 biological aunts and uncles and many in-lawed aunties and uncles, over 50 cousins and a great community in which I live and they’ve all encouraged me on my journey – I think some of them believe in me more than I believe in myself. My husband and children are my biggest cheerleaders right now – especially my hubby.

  11. When I first started writing, I knew it was what I wanted, but I didn’t know it would be so hard. I have a circle of readers. I call them my cheerleaders. They wouldn’t let me stop. There was always a verse in my inbox, always a word of encouragement in person, always a question about how things were going. I really think I would have guit if not for them. The best part is, now that I have that contract, not a single one has said, “I told you so.” True friends!!

  12. One of my pastors took the time to help me see my value. He recognized I was a writer long before I even thought in that direction. And he kept encouraging and giving me opportunities use the tools God has given me. I’m so very thankful to him – and tell him so often. πŸ™‚

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