In Others’ Words: Memories

Beth VogtLife, Quotes, Reality 26 Comments

“Memories without dreams are anchors.”

~Dan Rockwell, aka “Leadership Freak”

Memories are precious. My life is all the richer for the memories I’ve tucked away.

But if all I have is memories — images of days gone by — those very things I treasure will weigh me down, dragging all my forward motion to a stop.

I also need dreams-yet-to-come-true — things I’m pursuing because I’m ย called to accomplish a certain goal, meet a certain need, find the elusive answer to a question.

Life isn’t about staying safely in harbor, or about setting sail for a bit and then dropping anchor. No, I have to be willing to pull up anchor — let memories be memories — and set sail for the next dream.

In Your Words: Do memories ever seem like an anchor? What dream are you pursuing right now?



Comments 26

  1. Rotten memories–things that have hurt me–can hinder me, anchors in the water. Those I let go. Fond memories are the wind that blows my sails to move forward. They motivate me, remind me of what’s important in my life, and help me refocus at times when I need it.

    Have a great weekend, Beth!

  2. What wisdom here, Beth. It is easy to let nostalgia become a weight. And you’ve probably got a pretty good idea what dreams I’m pursuing now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you’re having a blast at Deep Thinkers. So far, I haven’t yet cried about not being there. But I did eat way too much popcorn last night to keep from pouting! Hehehe…

  3. Well said, Beth. Memories are precious. We should strive to make new memories every day! And dream (I have the winning-the-lottery dream) – being successful in the friends I keep, knowing I am respected, knowing I am loved. That’s all I need.

  4. Whoa, I really like that one.
    I guess my dream is hurtling into new venues and carving out fresh territory in spite of reaching “retirement” age. How boring, what an inglorious descent after some defined apex. Why not instead we follow the hope in our heart and keep climbing up and up and up until, maybe like Enoch, we cross over to . , .

  5. Thanks for this post Beth. So many times memories have held me back and I wasn’t able to push pass them. But God has broken those chains. Yey God!!!

    Dreams? Oh, yes I have those. I just finished the first draft of my WIP. I know have A LOT of work ahead of me, but I am holding fast to the dreams I know God has placed in my heart.

    Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

  6. I’ve never seen that quote before, Beth. Interesting! I always thought of memories as an anchor of a different kind. An anchor of our identity – to God and others. Anchors of memories, experiences, and teaching that has helped shape who I am. I can see, however, if those things are bad how they would trap us in the past. Great food for thought today, thanks!

    1. Donna, I have many treasured memories I would never want to lose, so I agree. But this quote made me stop and think, which is what prompted me to share it.

    2. Donna, I have many treasured memories I would never want to lose, so I agree. But this quote made me stop and think, which is what prompted me to share it.

  7. The quote makes sense to me–if the memories are negative ones. Once I stopped living in the past, let go of memories that were dragging me down, and began pursuing my dream of being a published author, my life became far richer.

    1. Agreed, Paula.
      We can cull good out of bad memories — and then let them go so they don’t weigh us down and stop us from moving forward and achieving our dreams.

  8. Writing memories (the memoir) sort of anchored me for a while in my writing. Once I developed several concrete goals/dreams for the future, it’s helped me move ahead in all areas of my writing.

  9. You do find the best quotes, Beth!

    Sweet memories fill me with company, as I go through my days. (So many of my friends and family members live in other cities and states.) I’ve worked hard at laying down the unhappy memories. Life is good now, very, very good. And the “dream” of writing good stories brings structure and purpose and joy. My brother once said, everybody needs a carrot to chase. He’s a smart fellow.

  10. Wow, Beth, thought-provoking post. And such good advice. Present pursuit of dreams? Getting to know people in my new hometown, moving forward with writing, building a new life, so different from what I’ve known the past decades.

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