What Helps Us Clean Out Our Mental Junk Drawers?

Beth Vogtacceptance, anxiety, brokenness, challenges, change, choices, crisis, emotions, encouragement, expectations, Faith, family, Fear, Friendship, grace, grief, hope, Life, listen, Love, mental health, perseverance, perspective, Reality, Relationships, Scripture, stress, suffering 12 Comments

  My friend Mary and I went for an early morning walk the other day. During our weekly walks, we take turns talking about life in an honest, here’s-what’s-going-on-with-me kind of way. Mary invited me to go first, so after discussing my latest ups and downs, I yielded the, um, sidewalk to Mary. As we neared the end of our …

What to Do When You’re Heavy-Hearted

Beth Vogtanxiety, brokenness, challenges, choices, emotions, encouragement, expectations, Faith, Fear, Friendship, grief, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Scripture, strength, stress 10 Comments

@bethvogt I’ve heard the term “heavy-hearted” quite a bit recently. People are heavy-hearted about their life circumstances – from family struggles to friends’ setbacks. People are heavy-hearted about life “out there” – events playing out across the world via nonstop news headlines every single hour of the day. How do we counterbalance the ongoing challenges that weigh our hearts down? …

Judge Not Lest You Be Blind

Beth Vogtchoices, encouragement, grace, hope, kindness, Life, Love, mental health, perspective, Quotes, Reality, Relationships, sports, story, stress 15 Comments

@bethvogt Sometimes we just don’t know. That’s my takeaway from all the news swirling around Simone Biles. Sometimes we just don’t know the entire story and we need to be okay with that. Simon Biles is an American Olympic gymnast. The GOAT — the Greatest Of All Time. People love her. Love her story. She’s a gymnastics powerhouse and when …

Friendships are Risky Business

Beth Vogtacceptance, encouragement, Friendship, gratitude, hope, kindness, Life, Love, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, trust 15 Comments

@bethvogt   My friend Scoti called me after I’d posted my blog “Don’t Believe Everything You Think” last week. The one where I confessed to losing a wrestling match with my thoughts for 48 hours. And how connecting with a friend and focusing on the Truth helped me win the victory. Scoti: Are you okay? I’m worried about you. Me …

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Beth Vogtanxiety, challenges, choices, emotions, encouragement, Faith, Fear, Friendship, grace, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Scripture, Thoughts, trust 12 Comments

@bethvogt   I mulled over this blog post for quite a while. Started one topic. Erased it. I wanted to think of something funny. Something light. Put a spin on things so my words were encouraging from the get-go. But it was a bit of a fractured start to the week, one where I fought to find a good rhythm …

Why We Need to be Encouraged by Honest, Trusted Friendships

Beth Vogtacceptance, Authors, dreams, Friendship, Fun, gratitude, laughter, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, trust, Writing 12 Comments

@bethvogt I just spent three days in Florida with a group of writing friends and I’m once again reminded how friendship strengthens our hearts. Our time was bookended on both sides with hugs, mixed with liberal doses of encouragement and insight and lots of laughter. Getting together took planning and effort and yes, it cost us financially, too. But we …

Choosing not to Fix Our Struggles with Nice Thoughts

Beth Vogtanxiety, Beth K. Vogt, bravery, challenges, childhood, choices, courage, Faith, Fear, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Reality, Scripture, strength, suffering, trust 12 Comments

@bethvogt When I was a child and had trouble falling asleep because I’d had a bad dream, my mom would sit beside my bed and comfort me by telling me to think nice thoughts. I’d remember swimming in the lake in Vermont during a family vacation. Or winning the class spelling bee. Or playing outside in the rain with the …

Recognizing We’re Afraid … and Choosing to Do What Needs to be Done Anyway

Beth Vogtanxiety, Beth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, courage, grief, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, trust 16 Comments

@bethvogt I had a dental appointment yesterday. I dreaded it so much I’d put it off for five months. But yesterday, I “adulted” and went to the dentist. A lot of people are afraid of the dentist – maybe you’re one of them. If you are, I empathize with you. You’re welcome to share your story in the comments. I …

Choosing to be Honest About Depression

Beth Vogtanxiety, Beth K. Vogt, brokenness, challenges, choices, emotions, health, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes 29 Comments

@bethvogt   A few weeks ago, I applied for long term health insurance. After all the ups and downs we’ve had with my mother-in-law’s care, my husband, Rob, and I want to do as much as we can to ease things in the future for our adult children. Last week, the company denied my application. Okay then. Then the real …

Wading Through the Grief Caused by Suicide and Choosing Hope

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, brokenness, challenges, choices, crisis, family, grief, hope, perspective, Quotes, Reality, Relationships, suffering 32 Comments

@bethvogt   There are times grief throws us to our knees. We gasp for breath even as we try to grasp hold of what we’ve heard. It can’t be true. It can’t be . . . A longtime friend, someone I love and respect – someone who has shown me kindness again and again – died by suicide a few …