In Others’ Words: Correct Me, Encourage Me

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, lifequotes, Relationships 2 Comments

It would be easy to apply today’s quote to parenting — to start a conversation about correcting a child versus encouraging a child. As a mom, I certainly needed to learn the balance between the two — and I believe the scale should tilt more toward encouragement. And yes, that’s another blog post. I also believe every person, no matter what …

In Others’ Words: Influence

Beth VogtFun, In Others' Words, Life, Quotes 40 Comments

Ah, compliments! Someone takes the time to say something encouraging. Something positive about you. They start a sentence with the words, “I like you because _____________” and then they fill in the blank with a reason. And you hug those words to yourself. In the process of organizing my office recently, I gathered together various notes I’d received — from …