In Others’ Words: Look and Find

Beth VogtIdentity, In Others' Words, Quotes 8 Comments

How good are you at looking at yourself and liking yourself? Me? For years, I struggled with looking at myself and liking what I saw. I couldn’t see anything positive because it was blocked by a whole lot of negative self-talk. How we see ourselves is often affected by what we’ve heard others say about us. Finding positives about ourselves? …

In Others’ Words: What are You Ignoring?

Beth Vogtchoices, In Others' Words, Quotes 4 Comments

Sometimes … sometimes I get too focused. On my laptop. My iPhone. The laundry. The errands I need to run. (Grocery store. Check. Dry Cleaners. Check. Drop my daughter off at volleyball camp — only she does the driving, not me. Check.) I’m getting things done, yes. But that thought I keep having — the longing inside to take a …