In Others’ Words: Creating Hope

Beth Vogthope, In Others' Words, Quotes 5 Comments

I confess that I went looking for a quote about hope because my spirits were sagging a bit. Yes, this quote was selected because I’m encouraging myself, but I also hope you’re encouraged by the words shared. And I know that when you all join the conversation by leaving a comment, you so often encourage and uplift me and others, too. Scripture …

In Others’ Words: The God of Hope

Beth VogtFaith, In Others' Words, lifequotes 12 Comments

My understanding of God has changed through the years, but one thing hasn’t changed: I know that God is a God of hope. Do I get discouraged at times? Yes. Do I struggle against God’s plan — sometimes when it’s clear and sometimes when it’s not? Yes. Do I sometimes call myself “Oh-me-of-little-faith”? Yes. But all that stuff about me …