In Others’ Words: Planning and Planting for Shade in Years to Come

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, perspective, Quotes 11 Comments

How often do we think about how our actions today will affect someone else in the future? I can get so caught up in the here and now — crossing off all the things on my To Do list that I accomplished — that the future encompasses only a few days from now, and not much further. Oh, sure, I’m …

In Others’ Words: What are You Ignoring?

Beth Vogtchoices, In Others' Words, Quotes 4 Comments

Sometimes … sometimes I get too focused. On my laptop. My iPhone. The laundry. The errands I need to run. (Grocery store. Check. Dry Cleaners. Check. Drop my daughter off at volleyball camp — only she does the driving, not me. Check.) I’m getting things done, yes. But that thought I keep having — the longing inside to take a …