In Others’ Words: Hope to Win

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, perspective, Quotes 7 Comments

For some people, hoping to win might fall into the category of “”wishing doesn’t make it so,” — a quote attributed to novelist Lev Grossman.  But there’s something to be said about mindset, isn’t there? You have to think like a winner — believe you can win — if you’re going to act like a winner. Perform like a winner.  …

In Others’ Words: What Would You Wish For?

Beth Vogtchildhood, In Others' Words, lifequotes 4 Comments

Today’s quote has just a touch of whimsy to it, don’t you think? Haven’t we all dreamed of a wish or two coming true? Maybe paused a moment or two longer before we blew out the candles on our birthday cake and wished extra hard for a certain something? Tossed a few coins in a wishing well? Or wondered when …