In Others’ Words: Prayer at Its Best

Beth VogtUncategorized 14 Comments

Thank you quote 2014

I always get to Friday and pause … look back to Monday’s post … and consider all that has transpired between the hopes of that “then” and the realities of today’s “now.”

Monday included moments of celebration — really? I finaled in a writing contest? — and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday included cold splashes of reality that brought me to knees. And yet, I determined to find a reason to say “this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” even as I struggled to breathe through the ache lodged in my heart.

There were moments of laughter … and times when I sat on my kitchen floor and mustered the strength to scratch my dog’s ears because, well, there’s something comforting in petting a dog when life doesn’t make sense. Yep. Just sit and pet the dog.

There were too-late nights and early mornings … but the early mornings were ones that arrived with the coolness of a Colorado breeze through my bedroom window and the chance to walk with a trusted friend who listened and never, ever, tried to fix me, or what was broken.

I had work to do — too much at times — but work is good. It’s part of the dream.

And even in the midst of this week that derailed at times … there were moments where I could pray “thank you” … always moments where I could pray “thank you.”

And the biggest reason I can say “thank you” is that I am not talking to myself … or sending those two words out into the vacant universe … I’m not wasting my time or my breath … I am saying “thank you” to Someone who is listening, who cares, who, as I told my friend this week, “steps into our messy lives because he loves us that much.”

In Your Words: What prayer have your prayed this week? What does “thank you” express to you?

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Comments 14

  1. Beautiful, again. These blogs clearly are another book you are writing.
    I find my two most profound prayers are “help” and “thank you”, most recently for some wonderfully restored rich relationships. That nicely sums it up.

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  2. Just this morning I said thank You for a week of rest between finishing one book and starting another. Other thank You’s were for healing and safety for friends–one was electrocuted and lived to tell about it. Sam, a teen missionary in Germany who was just 20 days away from finishing his year and boarding a plane back home. But, he will heal and return home, just a couple of months later. His first words when he came out of the coma they induced were, “Lord, let me live to serve you again.” Sweet boy.

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  3. Wow. Sweet encouragement today. Needed encouragement too:) I’ve been working on the joy of the Lord being my full strength, emphasis on joy, and this morning God challenged me to praise him in all things. I think partly because he inhabits the praise of his people and wherever he is there’s a fullness of joy. Thanking him is part of praising him:)

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  4. Beautiful post, Beth. I’ve prayed for safety for my family this week, and I’ve said many thank you’s to God for bringing my hubby home after almost a month overseas. I’m remembering to breathe again and bring each thing that concerns me to His ears.

    “Thank you” expresses kindness and thoughtfulness to me.

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  5. Beth, thank you for always sharing your heart with us. My most recent profound prayers have been “Help me, Father!” and “Thank You, Lord.” There are so many ways in which I need our Lord’s help. I’m so glad He comes to my rescue every day.


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  6. The days that I make my 13-item gratitude list are so much more focused and happy than the days I grumble about 113 things that aren’t right. I love your reminders, Beth. Rubbing my dog’s ears helps me also. Love you!

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  7. I prayed “thank you” many times this week too! Met a writing goal. Thank you! Had my son’s baseball team over when the game was cancelled. Thank you! Smiled at my daughter when she returned from her very first drive by herself. Thank you! A great week!

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